Saturday, September 21, 2013

Day 4: Orthodontic Spacers

Thankfully nothing broke today. (I was referring to my orthodontic spacers)
One of the contributory reasons would probably be because, I am now adapting a new way of eating or rather chewing my food.
I started eating like a giraffe!

Giraffes eat by salivating their food a lot.
They produce a lot of saliva to help them chew their food better. (suggest that they dont really use the force on their teeth to break down the food.)
The salivary glands secretes enzymes to break down all these grass that they are eating.

Ok! Im not trying to be an educator all over again but i was just trying to substantiate my reasoning for why I feel like i am eating like a giraffe.

Back to my teeth! The pain started to spread from the back molar (where the spacers are) to the front of my teeth.

No longer could I rely on chewing my food from the front teeth because even this is giving me a lot of problems.

3 more days before the real bonding and braces will be placed on my teeth.


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