Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 1: Orthodontic spacers

Today is officially the 2nd day of my orthodontic experience.

I was supposed to place some orthodontic spacers in my mouth.
8 rubber band looking orthodontic spacers will be placed between your back molars. 4 of your back tooth will be inserted with the rubber bands. These bands are supposed to help make some gaps so that your braces brackets could be capped in your back molars. This will serve as an agent to pull and tighten your wires when you put on the braces.

This whole process took me less than 5 minutes with the orthodontist. It was fast and almost painless. I didn't even feel any form of a discomfort when the orthodontic spacers were being placed into my mouth.

I was told to avoid sticky, hard food and avoid flossing my teeth.

There was a slight discomfort after a few hours. Seemingly you could feel that something is in between your teeth. 

However, my horror came about when two of my orthodontic spacers (rubber bands) began to snap after eating KFC's zinger meal.

The next dental appointment to put the actual braces would be a week away. Only a few hours after my orthodontic spacers that have been placed and yet i managed to snap two of it. Amazing isnt it?

This is how my teeth looks now (with that gap at the bottom). The part circled in yellow is the orthodontic bands that I've accidentally snapped. Right below of the yellow circle (in green) are the actual orthdontic spacers.

I will be going to the hospital again tomorrow. Let's see if the snapped orthodontic spacers have to be replaced.

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